Mila, the animation short created and directed by Cinzia Angelini, which trailer was presented at the very first edition of ITTV Forum&Festival, won the  Gryphon Award – Best Short Film at the Giffoni Film Festival. This is the explanation of the jury: “The poetry that comes from children’s eyes manages to make everything less dramatic: during the Second World War, the bombings, death, and destruction are told by Mila, a happy and carefree child who suddenly finds herself experiencing the cruelty of war. She does not need to speak, her eyes are able to make the spectator experience the drama of pain and loneliness. Mila is the most significant narration of an innocent soul who hopes to survive and to re-embrace his affections, if only in fantasy”.

Giffoni Film Festival, now at its 51st edition, is the most important festival in Italy dedicated to kids and teenagers.

“Winning the prestigious Giffoni 2021 award has been an enormous honor for me, and the MILA team says Cinzia Angelini -. The winners of the various categories were chosen by a group of over 600 children at the event. Listening to their questions, and hearing their reviews of the film totally blew away, me, the Mila Composer Flavio Gargano, and the other Mila team members who were there or watched it live. If only all 350+ Mila volunteers could have been with me on that fantastic stage! But wait . . . the Mila Tour in Italy is far from over. We’re so looking forward to an exciting event organized by ITTV. Their specialty is bridging Italian entertainment with Hollywood, and they have something really great planned for us at the Venice Film Festival! Stay tuned!”.

Congrats to Cinzia and Mila from GoodGirls Planet and ITTV Festival!


With little more than imagination and a touch of humanity, a young girl manages to survive war, and discover hope. Mila is an animated short film by Cinzia Angelini, produced by Andrea Emmes along with 350 animation professionals from 35 countries that volunteered their time and talent over the last ten years. Cinesite’s Vancouver animation studio joined the film in its last year of production and was instrumental in bringing “Mila” across the finish line in 2021. Mila is produced by PepperMax Films, Pixel Cartoon, IbiscusMedia, Cinesite, and Aniventure. Mila will be featured also at the upcoming ITTV festival. Valentina Martelli, CEO of GGP and founder of ITTV Festival is one of Mila’s executive producer.

* Image curtesy of Cinzia Angelini