ITTV, the first-ever event dedicated to the Italian Audiovisual Market and the connections between its international counterparts – the U.S. in primis -, will be in Venice, September 4th, and in Los Angeles, November 6th– 9th2022, for its 4th edition, sporting a new name: ITTV FORUM&FESTIVAL.
Organized by Good Girls Planet – Valentina Martelli CEO and founder, Cristina Scognamillo founder -, ITTV will start on September 3th in Venice, with the ITTV/KINEO award, in collaboration with Rosetta Sannelli, the historical founder of the Kineo Award. This year the ITTV/KINEO award will go to Daniela Rambaldi, daughter of special effects guru Carlo Rambaldi. Forty years ago, Rambaldi created E.T., the sweetest extraterrestrial in Steven Spielberg’s famous movie. This year marks the 10th anniversary of his death.
On September 4th at Spazio Regione del Veneto | Veneto Film Commission the panel, “Professione Showrunner” will host Sean Furst, executive producer. Maria Pia Ammirati, Rai Fiction | Antonella Barbieri, APA | Marco Chimenz, AD Cattleya | Jacopo Chessa, Veneto Film Commission | Stefania Ippoliti, Toscana Film Commission | Sonia Rovai, Scripted Productions Sky Studios | Roberto Stabile, Head of International Relations ANICA I Gaia Tridente, MIA Mercato Internazionale dell’Audiovisivo. Moderators: Valentina Martelli, Founder e CEO GGP e ITTV e Cristina Scognamillo, Founder GGP e ITTV.
The panel follows the recent experience of “Showrunner Lab,” a highly professional class ideated by the Toscana Film Commission and Good Girls Planet to fill a gap. In Italy, the showrunner’s career is still relatively unknown. “Showrunner Lab” took place in June in Prato and Florence. The second edition dates and locations will be announced during the event in Venice.
ITTV Forum&Festival promotes “Italian TV, its content, its creative and professional talents, its locations, brands, and styles. In two words: the “Italian system,” granting economic revenues and, in general, new relationships between Italy and the U.S. through the entertainment industry: tv series, movies, documentaries, and web series. “ITTV is the cultural gathering of audiovisual content – says Valentina Martelli, CEO of Good Girls Planet. – we thought of a formula where panels became relaxed conversations between the highest professionals of Italy, the U.S., and the rest of the world. A place for exchanging ideas and experiences. The fertile terrain for new relationships, partnerships, and strategies, discussed during the networking time following every event”.
ITTV is produced by: Good Girls Planet.
With the support of: di SHENU e MTLA.
In collaboration with: Italian General Consulate in Los Angeles e ICE – Italian Trade Agency.
In association with: Toscana Film Commission and Veneto Film Commission.
With the contributions of: The Italian Cultural Institute in Los Angeles and TATATU.
With the patronage of: APA – Associazione Produttori Audiovisivo, Nuovo IMAIE– I diritti degli Artisti; SIAE – Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori, IbiscusMedia.
Partner: Fremantle, Rai Fiction, Rai Ragazzi, Sky, Ecoflix, D-Hub Studios, Premio Kinéo, FeST-Il Festival delle Serie Tv, Little Studios Films.
Media Partenr: Extra!, Los Angeles Times, Ciak, Cinecittanews.it, FRED Film Radio, Mymovies.it, Kikapress.com.
Sponsor: Argiano Dimore e Brunello, Bindi, di Stefano Premium Italian Cheese, Ferrarini.